Psoriasis in hands, fighting methods and basic shapes

Still hand in until the end of studied psoriasis is a disease. The pharmacological industry organized funding at 100% efficiency, get rid of the symptoms of pathology. The most common diagnosis psoriasis fingers. This illness is not considered deadly, but it offers a lot in the form of running дискомфортных symptoms of the patient. Psoriatic arthritis complications and problems that can trigger the disease such as Feb-skeletal system. Therefore, you must know what kind of treatment psoriasis the first signs in hand.

seborrheic dermatitis

It's kind of a disease

Different depending on the shape of the pattern is symptomatic of pathology, the localization and the course of the illness, rash. It's kind of a disease to get to know, to know, another of a different shape.

Psoriasis fingers. The area affected by the disease that looks like small scales. As it grows the problems in this area become inflamed. Increased the dose of the symptomatic picture, while the fall and winter months, a shortage of minerals and vitamins in the human body over time.

In the hands of Defeat. This form is diagnosed in 25% of cases. Hand psoriasis characteristic symptoms – rough skin spots and the appearance of similar his appearance in Egypt. The lesions are very itchy, discomfort to the patient Delivery.

Psoriasis palms. Between group disease risk for people experience exercise regularly. The symptoms of the problem show itself first in small spots, silver plated shell. Psoriatic little more then larger sizes become popular. Rashes on the palms of therapeutic efficacy in the absence of the side effects surface. Emerging psoriasis in hand with the accompaniment of a regular itch, it causes to an end, insomnia, and extreme irritability of the sick.

Ortopedicheskie such problems in its most severe form, the disease in which the affected joints. The effects of bone structure disease in the early stages of development and then a greater joint of a pathological process. Such diseases characteristic symptoms – bone pain, abnormal spots.

Postuplenie psoriasis. Of infectious diseases developing the disease on a background of strong emotional experiences, or a hormonal disruption in the body. Rashes that appears as small ulcers with clear boundaries. The most common rash on your stay, a wide thumb and pinky finger. In this case, the patient provides a general distortion of the notes.

Psoriaticheska to eritrodermia. Pathology itself in the background when exposed in the form of a normal illness, disturbing factors. On the contrary, problems of this kind spreads and other debris into the body. eritroderm flows provides a sharp distortion on the background of inflammation and regional lymph nodes.

Fires by native psoriasis. Therefore, the sick person is no fear of infection is not worth it.

Diseases causes and symptoms

Psoriasis development mechanism is still not understood. Predisposing factors for infection and disease the doctors a few reasons we're celebrating. This category of pathology as a specialist in autoimmune disorders, hereditary neural disease and other forms of deterioration of the body, the functioning of the system.

Among the causes of psoriasis said:

  • poisoning;
  • weakening the body's defense;
  • an unbalanced diet;
  • harmful habits;
  • often a stressful situation;
  • allergies;
  • transferred pathology, viral, fungal or bacterial origin;
  • climate zone shifts;
  • long-term use of antibiotics among a group of some medicines, beta-blockers, antidepressants.

Hands psoriasis predisposing factor to the formation of excessive hygiene. Deprived of natural protection and skin cosmetic and toilet lead to injury to the gland surface.

The problem is that 4 passes in the development stage:

  • During the initial phase. The disease itself is in the hands small spots. Popular sharp lines and a smooth finish. During the initial phase of psoriasis in the hands is similar to coarse warts. A few days later, the rashes grow, and starts to peel off. Early developmental pathology localized bucks, between the toes, and then spreads to other areas.
  • A progressive stage. A celebrated appearance of new skin lesions al. Stains becomes more vivid. At this stage the main reason for the problem – minor damage to epidermis.
  • Hard scene. A clinical disease that is characterized by a reduction in a while – stops rashes peeling of skin getting bluish shades.
  • Regression stage. The basic symptoms – the duration of the peeling epidermis melts drop full popular.

You can see in the photo it looks like psoriasis all developmental stages. An important issue to a specialist and immediately questionable to refer to self-medicate. To provide a problem to occur with characteristic symptoms for psoriasis:

  • growing dryness of the epidermis;
  • the surface of the skin and thickening;
  • cracking, rash;
  • view Nasser elements;plates;
  • general papules merging individual intralesional injections.

Psoriasis symptoms are different quotes and in the hands of Defeat. The characteristics of this kind of disease – a thickening of the plate and its package. Nail color are changing and through them you can think rashes, framed in a bright red frame.

Psoriasis eczema in the hands the patient is confused, although this is a completely different skin condition. The main difference between pathologies, such as fuzzy lesions, eczema, rashes недуге, clear boundaries.

Ways of treatment


Treatment, psoriasis hands should occur is under the control of a dermatologist.

The problem is that a long time deficiency symptoms does not indicate a full recovery. Experts of pathology until the end of the treatment is not successful, however, to achieve long-term emissions.

Hands psoriasis treatment includes:

  • the local action of drug use (cream, ointment, balm);
  • drugs orally;
  • physiotherapy treatment.

Be wondering how many patients the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. It seems like this type of a problem schema therapy, and other kinds of psoriasis.

Local processing

Relieving the symptomatic pictures to use in psoriasis ointment the following:

  • It's hormonal. The main effect, application tools – reduce inflammation, tension, pain, and itching.
  • Non-hormonal. Soften drugs, symptoms, pathology, and cause no side effects, so permission to use them for the treatment of psoriasis in children.
  • Homeopathic. An assigned problem, peeling skin strong together. It is particularly effective if it becomes corrupted drugs, the joint.

A common action drugs

With the aid struggle with the symptoms of the disease:

  • Antihistamines.
  • B vitamins, C and E.
  • It's a stimulant.
  • Immunomodulators.

More psoriasis treatment in a particular case at hand, the definitions of expert. Combine the medications the doctor, therefore, their application to achieve the best results possible.

Physical therapy psoriasis

The problem of a prescribed kind of physical therapy. Techniques to reduce the time allowed to prevent the development of acute symptoms results. The problem is that the patient usually are prescribed to facilitate trail:

  • cryotherapy;
  • UV irradiation;
  • girudoterapiya;
  • laser treatment;
  • radon baths;
  • applique with paraffin;
  • last electro;
  • Puva therapy

Regeneration of damaged skin treatment laser contributed early. The manipulation is performed a beam penetration depth of regulating the control of the physician. And even the disease in its advanced stages it gives the effect of the technique.

The effect of puva therapy in its own right that combines the technique of the affected area 2 – photosensibilisation and ultraviolet radiation. In a way that improves the outcome of treatment is another one. You will need 20-25 sessions to achieve a visible result for PUVA therapy.

The main essence cryotherapy effect to lower the temperature of the damaged area. A way to reduce the duration of elongation and in the hands of number plates, are applied, remission of the pathology. Psoriasis patients are frequently recommended cryotherapy relapse is common.

Prevention and public assemblies

Psoriasis most commonly manifests itself in the hands of the body than other parts. To avoid re-signs should be monitored for symptoms of the disease preventive rules:

  • household clean rubber gloves;
  • moisturizers to use hands;
  • aggressive chemical composition, which theme features;
  • the manifestation of the first symptoms of psoriasis treatment a dermatologist;
  • give up alcohol and cigarettes;
  • except the menu, fried and greasy food.

To achieve long-term remission using folk remedies the pathology of psoriasis. The main advantage of this treatment is the least risk for adverse reactions. Therefore, people for recipes can be used to combat the problem, and the woman in the position of a child.

Psoriasis Alternative Medicine in the hands of the most popular recipes that should be listed:

  • For the purchase of herbal infusions: leaves mixed in equal quantities, nettle, red bilberry, calendula and horsetail. Herbal substances, fill it with water (500 ml), mixed with 1 tbsp. l. honey. Before starting this kind of treatment didn't need to make sure that you are allergic to honey.
  • Herbal Bath. St John's wort on the basis back and prepared chistotela bathrooms: handful of each herbal ingredient is added to 1 liter of water pour into the Pan. Boil the mixture over low heat about 30 minutes until it cools insist. Herbal decoction for 20-25 minutes hands immersed dried them without using a towel.
  • Birch tar based ointment – an effective way to combat Madonna-podoshvenniy type of pathology in the house. Prepares the medication and the next recipe: butter and pour a small amount of a substance. An unlimited number of plaques ointment.

All the rules, even with respect to the prevention, failing to seem to forget about psoriasis. All treatment methods are only temporary relief and physical therapy to medicine and public state. Rules to follow depends on the use of schema therapy and prevention of the issue of the duration of remission.

If the information that you receive articles about the treatment of psoriasis, comrades on social networks. Share your recipes, how to treat psoriasis hands and leave them in the comments section for the article.


User reviews about treatment

Light, Moscow: in the hands of a psoriasis – a disease to treat. This changes from time to time-term flare-ups and remission. Stress and worsening of the skin condition is especially noticeable after consumption of dried or smoked products. The effect of the hormonal drugs they give, but, unfortunately, a short period of time. The cream will also remove and with regular use the symptoms of the disease prolonged. Combining medication, ointments, diet and psychological peace, remission to prolong the duration of a problem.

In Nizhny Novgorod Tamara: psoriasis treatment will be in the hands of the next recipe: chicken and egg crude protein in place the damage and apply the Paste several times a day. After applying this tool in a few days, which can increase itching and burning sensation, therefore, it is better to combine it with intake of antihistamines defeat of local processing zones. Therapy at the same time, the complement-taking the drug with calcium containing d3. Theatre is the visible result, 2 weeks after this treatment regimen.

Anatoly, Samara: simple rules to help you get prevent relapse of psoriasis:

  • Full disclaimer, alcoholic beverages, spices and sugar.
  • Enterosorbents regular intake 2-3 times per day.
  • Taking fish oil and 1 tsp. three times a day.
  • Restful sleep.
  • Processing hormonal drugs isn't damaged
  • That contains tar soap to wash your hands.
  • Use moisturizing hand cream.

Needless to say, these events only allow the manifestation of acute symptoms, while keep is a problem.